ok, i forgot again
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
- Mr Voo is now a proud father of a healthy baby girl, Alethea Voo Sze Leng. If I remember correctly, daddy told me that the name means Truth in Greek. Let the truth be known then! Happy for you, Voo. Please name your next offspring Deja. :)
- I was introduced/got to know/met with a bunch of new people. Some I met one-on-one, some of them were disasters, some I thank my lucky stars that they came into my life at this time. I wont be the shy one that decline party invitations and avoid groups anymore. I'm having fun, yessaaaaah!
- Its 200f7. I'll post more soon. Procrastination is NOT one of my new year resolution.
- I was introduced/got to know/met with a bunch of new people. Some I met one-on-one, some of them were disasters, some I thank my lucky stars that they came into my life at this time. I wont be the shy one that decline party invitations and avoid groups anymore. I'm having fun, yessaaaaah!
- Its 200f7. I'll post more soon. Procrastination is NOT one of my new year resolution.
Did you just post this today? Date's dec 27 06.
commented by
Anonymous, 8:30 PM

Yeah, hope to see you around more, kiddo! ;)
commented by 10:26 PM
one of my new year resolutionS*
commented by 2:46 PM