varadero's back and my idol journey continues
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I wish there was a blogbot that takes in values like dates, events, names and feelings, and then automatically generate a blog entry, according to a chosen template. My fingers are tired. Well, my whole body is tired.
Sheryl Crow sings for me everyday.
Mcdonalds birthday party is fun! In all my 33 yrs I've only attended one before, when I was a wee lad at the Shenton Way branch (its no longer there). Some rich relative's kid had his party and all I remembered was sulking in one corner feeling out of place and then following a group of kids around the kitchen area led by a Mac auntie who showed us how the Big Mac is assembled. The ironic thing is, I was behaving more like an adult then, cos when I followed Drey to Liz's 25th birthday party at Mac Kallang 2 saturdays ago, I turned into a kid I never was and played games with all the other adult brats who cheered loudly and danced like there's no one watching. Waaaahahahha .. :D Check out Drey's bloggy for video clips.
Went for another run a day after the party. Its the Terry Fox run at Sentosa this time (aka Run for Hope). Cool weather, nice 9km route along Sentosa cove, Aloha bananas and wet t-shirts at the finish line. Met Q, his friend Kes and got to know a Lord Byron of TMKR. Toast was the restaurant of choice after that, as always, and the day was completed with a grocery shopping trip at Carrefour Suntec.
So long, I-MF'ers.
I got my bike back. Decided that its way too risky to wait for the road tax and insurance to be renewed, so I did it myself. Drey was sporty enough to follow me riding around, it was exhilirating getting my groove back, but during moments of solitary rides, it hit me right in my stomach and soul, it was on this bike that we first saw each other, it was this bike that brought us everywhere for a year. It was on this bike that brought us close, with the wind on our faces and you clinging and hugging on to me for security, that I felt heaven.
Ramadan is here. More memories, less fat. And yay Hady.
I leave you with what Mulder said on X-files many many moons ago. I thought it was so cool then, I committed it to memory and had the mp3 version in my old ipod. Rediscovered it again when I was transferring songs to my new ipod.
"Before the exploration of space, of the moon, and the planets, men held that the heavens were the home and province of powerful gods, who control not just the vast firmament, but the earthly fate of men himself. And that the pantheon of powerful warring dieties was the cause and reason of the human condition, for the past and the future, and which great monuments would be created on earth, as on heaven. But in time men replace these gods with new gods and new religions that provided no more certain or greater answers than those worshipped by his greek or roman or egyptian ancestors. And while we've chosen now our monolithic and benevolent gods and found our certainties in science, believers all, we wait for a sign, a relevation. Our eyes turn skyward, ready to accept the truly incredible, to find our destiny written in the stars. But how do we best look to see, with new eyes, or old?"
Sheryl Crow sings for me everyday.
Mcdonalds birthday party is fun! In all my 33 yrs I've only attended one before, when I was a wee lad at the Shenton Way branch (its no longer there). Some rich relative's kid had his party and all I remembered was sulking in one corner feeling out of place and then following a group of kids around the kitchen area led by a Mac auntie who showed us how the Big Mac is assembled. The ironic thing is, I was behaving more like an adult then, cos when I followed Drey to Liz's 25th birthday party at Mac Kallang 2 saturdays ago, I turned into a kid I never was and played games with all the other adult brats who cheered loudly and danced like there's no one watching. Waaaahahahha .. :D Check out Drey's bloggy for video clips.
Went for another run a day after the party. Its the Terry Fox run at Sentosa this time (aka Run for Hope). Cool weather, nice 9km route along Sentosa cove, Aloha bananas and wet t-shirts at the finish line. Met Q, his friend Kes and got to know a Lord Byron of TMKR. Toast was the restaurant of choice after that, as always, and the day was completed with a grocery shopping trip at Carrefour Suntec.
So long, I-MF'ers.
I got my bike back. Decided that its way too risky to wait for the road tax and insurance to be renewed, so I did it myself. Drey was sporty enough to follow me riding around, it was exhilirating getting my groove back, but during moments of solitary rides, it hit me right in my stomach and soul, it was on this bike that we first saw each other, it was this bike that brought us everywhere for a year. It was on this bike that brought us close, with the wind on our faces and you clinging and hugging on to me for security, that I felt heaven.
Ramadan is here. More memories, less fat. And yay Hady.
I leave you with what Mulder said on X-files many many moons ago. I thought it was so cool then, I committed it to memory and had the mp3 version in my old ipod. Rediscovered it again when I was transferring songs to my new ipod.
"Before the exploration of space, of the moon, and the planets, men held that the heavens were the home and province of powerful gods, who control not just the vast firmament, but the earthly fate of men himself. And that the pantheon of powerful warring dieties was the cause and reason of the human condition, for the past and the future, and which great monuments would be created on earth, as on heaven. But in time men replace these gods with new gods and new religions that provided no more certain or greater answers than those worshipped by his greek or roman or egyptian ancestors. And while we've chosen now our monolithic and benevolent gods and found our certainties in science, believers all, we wait for a sign, a relevation. Our eyes turn skyward, ready to accept the truly incredible, to find our destiny written in the stars. But how do we best look to see, with new eyes, or old?"
commented by
RJ, 4:51 AM

you might want to try the following sites:
to generate random blog entries.
to generate random blog entries.
commented by 12:02 PM
shrek says u are not writing enough! muahahah
commented by 8:34 PM