mug shot
Monday, March 10, 2008
i keep a mug at the office pantry. i bought it at the Internal Security Department's gift shop when i visited its heritage centre about 2 yrs ago. its unique. i dont think many ppl have it. i use it almost everyday when i make my hot beverages during coffee breaks. i'll then wash it and put it back on the rack to dry.
last week, i was sitting in my cubicle doing my work, when someone walked past me holding a mug. it looked familiar. geez, its the same ISD mug that i have! coincidence, i thought, and went back to my work. and then it hit me. could it be?
i hurried towards the pantry. my mug is missing. wtf.
so i stayed on for a while and then abt 10mins later the lady who was carrying my mug sauntered into the pantry, the mug still in her hands. she emptied the contents, washed it, and put it back on the rack. and then she walked past me nonchantly.
i am left pondering.
1) is it normal to use any mugs u can find at the common office pantry?
2) was what i did normal? to leave my own personal mug at the pantry, or should i have kept it in my office cabinet?
3) should i have just kept quiet about it, or should i inform her nicely that the mug is mine and not a common one?
4) does she know it belongs to me specifically? or did she assume its a common mug? or did she pick one at random?
i dont think its a big deal, i'm just wondering if it has become the norm? we spend more time in the office than at home, we should have some sort of acceptable 'living' rules, just to avoid misunderstandings. but in the meantime, if she wants to use my ISD mug, go ahead ;)
last week, i was sitting in my cubicle doing my work, when someone walked past me holding a mug. it looked familiar. geez, its the same ISD mug that i have! coincidence, i thought, and went back to my work. and then it hit me. could it be?
i hurried towards the pantry. my mug is missing. wtf.
so i stayed on for a while and then abt 10mins later the lady who was carrying my mug sauntered into the pantry, the mug still in her hands. she emptied the contents, washed it, and put it back on the rack. and then she walked past me nonchantly.
i am left pondering.
1) is it normal to use any mugs u can find at the common office pantry?
2) was what i did normal? to leave my own personal mug at the pantry, or should i have kept it in my office cabinet?
3) should i have just kept quiet about it, or should i inform her nicely that the mug is mine and not a common one?
4) does she know it belongs to me specifically? or did she assume its a common mug? or did she pick one at random?
i dont think its a big deal, i'm just wondering if it has become the norm? we spend more time in the office than at home, we should have some sort of acceptable 'living' rules, just to avoid misunderstandings. but in the meantime, if she wants to use my ISD mug, go ahead ;)
well, if you ask me, which you didn't but I'm gonna tell you anyway... haha... If she's cute/pretty/hot/sexy/to die for/virginal/etc then by all means let her use it. If she's everything but, then better keep it in your cubicle drawer man... You dun need cooties!
commented by
Anonymous, 9:44 PM

Anything u leave on a common area in the office belongs to everyone...same rule apply for the pantry fridge as label your item when u put it in the fridge...if u want to have a GAG, leave some stool sample in the fridge and surely someone will eat it :-)..dun believe me..try it
commented by 5:58 AM
she's ok, not the auntie type, youngish, but i think she's a vendor workin on a project here. so thats why i dont mind, u see ;)
and oh, i do admit, sometimes i take some stuff from the office fridge. packet drinks, some ketchup, some milk for my tea, that sorta thing. but i wont use somebody else's cup. and even if i do, i wont take it out of the pantry and walk around with it. maybe she's just.. aloof.
she's ok, not the auntie type, youngish, but i think she's a vendor workin on a project here. so thats why i dont mind, u see ;)
and oh, i do admit, sometimes i take some stuff from the office fridge. packet drinks, some ketchup, some milk for my tea, that sorta thing. but i wont use somebody else's cup. and even if i do, i wont take it out of the pantry and walk around with it. maybe she's just.. aloof.