Sunday, January 19, 2003
Finally! Its Saturday and its my off day, so I slept till about 10am. Lots of SMS came in around 11, Erica, Saul, Andrew.. all informing me that CDD has sent out a memo to HDBall about the terms of the SRS. In a nutshell, 1 yr of service = 1 mth, non-tax non-CPF, and including NS!!! That means... quick calculation, let's see.. thats about 6 years of service, so minimum I'll get is about 24k. I still have not counted in the leave for cash thing. I have some serious things to consider man.. Felt lethargic and fat, so I took a quick shower, lied to my mom that I had to go to work, and went to the gym. Ran 5km, felt good about it and then rushed to Suntec City.
The 'Teaching as a Career' seminar started at 230pm. Lots of young fresh diploma/uni grads, some mid-career people too. Pretty good talk, same brainwashing videos on how teaching is THE thing to do. A teacher (HOD from Peirce Sec) talked about how after 6 years as a teacher he has now achieved fulfillment in his life and teaching is so cool cos you play a part in the development of young minds etc etc etc. Well I didnt really buy it, I mean, the pay is quite OK now and I believe the schools have really upgraded in terms of facilities and all, but.. I still have my apprehensions. Why dont I just try to apply to teach at a polytechnic or something, I believe I'm quite qualified to do that. Dont have to go to NIE. Pay's higher. And you'll be teaching much more matured students. But in the first place, why consider teaching? Decisions, decisions.
Mervin smsed and asked whether I wanna watch Hero. So after the seminar ended I went to Eng Wah and book 2 tickets for the 9pm show, cos KC didnt answer my hp call. Later on he called back and said he was at a meeting and he's really busy this week, so maybe we go see another movie (Analyze that?) next week. I hanged out around that area for a while, went to Millenia to get the carrying case for my Nikon Digcam, walked around Marina, got so bored I almost died from it.
Hero was such a letdown. Didnt agree with VV's comments on his weblog... it will definitely NOT win any Academy Awards like Crouching, its not even anywhere near Crouching! Too many theatrics, you get the feeling the effects were added in just for the sake of it. WAAAAAAAAAAYYYY overdone. Like, do we really need millions of arrows rushing down on a calligraphy school when a hundred will do just a good job to kill everybody in it? And the lake scene when they fly all over doing somersaults and dive into the water, to catch fish or something.. I dunno.. the movie is trying to milk all the effects they can get out of every scene. Like after Zhang Yimou has finished with the movie, he lets his special effect guy to completely go overboard on his computer and spoil the entire thing. Its Crouching gone wrong. Its a letdown.
Liverpool plays Southampton tonight!
And I got Jordan's and Jeffrey's pic! Arent they so cool?
Jordan helping his brother Jeff blow the birthday candle

The 'Teaching as a Career' seminar started at 230pm. Lots of young fresh diploma/uni grads, some mid-career people too. Pretty good talk, same brainwashing videos on how teaching is THE thing to do. A teacher (HOD from Peirce Sec) talked about how after 6 years as a teacher he has now achieved fulfillment in his life and teaching is so cool cos you play a part in the development of young minds etc etc etc. Well I didnt really buy it, I mean, the pay is quite OK now and I believe the schools have really upgraded in terms of facilities and all, but.. I still have my apprehensions. Why dont I just try to apply to teach at a polytechnic or something, I believe I'm quite qualified to do that. Dont have to go to NIE. Pay's higher. And you'll be teaching much more matured students. But in the first place, why consider teaching? Decisions, decisions.
Mervin smsed and asked whether I wanna watch Hero. So after the seminar ended I went to Eng Wah and book 2 tickets for the 9pm show, cos KC didnt answer my hp call. Later on he called back and said he was at a meeting and he's really busy this week, so maybe we go see another movie (Analyze that?) next week. I hanged out around that area for a while, went to Millenia to get the carrying case for my Nikon Digcam, walked around Marina, got so bored I almost died from it.
Hero was such a letdown. Didnt agree with VV's comments on his weblog... it will definitely NOT win any Academy Awards like Crouching, its not even anywhere near Crouching! Too many theatrics, you get the feeling the effects were added in just for the sake of it. WAAAAAAAAAAYYYY overdone. Like, do we really need millions of arrows rushing down on a calligraphy school when a hundred will do just a good job to kill everybody in it? And the lake scene when they fly all over doing somersaults and dive into the water, to catch fish or something.. I dunno.. the movie is trying to milk all the effects they can get out of every scene. Like after Zhang Yimou has finished with the movie, he lets his special effect guy to completely go overboard on his computer and spoil the entire thing. Its Crouching gone wrong. Its a letdown.
Liverpool plays Southampton tonight!
And I got Jordan's and Jeffrey's pic! Arent they so cool?

Jordan helping his brother Jeff blow the birthday candle