an ode to my k750i
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
sent the old faithful to sony-ericsson's service centre on monday.
after queueing up for more than an hour, i was told not to bother sending it in for repairs because
1) its no longer under warranty
2) its freakin ancient
3) it has been in contact with water (they know cos the hp, and i believe all other sony-ericsson phones, have this little white strip inside, behind the battery. if it turns red, it means water has gone in. u cant argue with that). although, i dont remember dropping it into the toilet bowl or anything like that. maybe during those days when i was caught in the rain while i was riding, and my jeans got drenched. *shrugs*
4) hence because of pt 3, the technician will not repair it. the most they'll do is clean it up, and i'll have to pay for it, see pt 1.
and so i bid u adieu, o' trusted friend.
days were the those when it was playing with its other 2 buddies: kc's and drey's phone.
in memoriam (sep 2004 - april 2007)
i abused you.
it wasnt personal.
look at my other gadgets.
may you rest in peace.
after queueing up for more than an hour, i was told not to bother sending it in for repairs because
1) its no longer under warranty
2) its freakin ancient
3) it has been in contact with water (they know cos the hp, and i believe all other sony-ericsson phones, have this little white strip inside, behind the battery. if it turns red, it means water has gone in. u cant argue with that). although, i dont remember dropping it into the toilet bowl or anything like that. maybe during those days when i was caught in the rain while i was riding, and my jeans got drenched. *shrugs*
4) hence because of pt 3, the technician will not repair it. the most they'll do is clean it up, and i'll have to pay for it, see pt 1.
and so i bid u adieu, o' trusted friend.

in memoriam (sep 2004 - april 2007)
i abused you.
it wasnt personal.
look at my other gadgets.
may you rest in peace.
commented by
Anonymous, 2:18 PM